Are You A Narcissist Magnet? 5 Surprising Traits That Make You A Target
According to an expert.
CLICK HERE TO READ: 5 Surprising Traits That Make You A “Narcissist Magnet”
Many ask, “Why do I keep attracting narcissists and psychopaths?” There is usually nothing wrong with you – in fact, in many cases, there’s a lot right with you. Narcissists often weaponize not only the weaknesses of their partners but also their strengths. Here are five surprising traits they look for in their partners, according to a researcher.
Trait #2: Resilience and grit. If you have adversity or complex trauma in your history, you likely also have resilience and grit – the psychological resilience and pain tolerance of a sumo wrestler which allows you to take on any obstacle in life with resourcefulness and a take-charge attitude. These are beautiful qualities to have when it comes to pursuing your dreams, contributing to your community, or accomplishing your professional career and personal goals. However, they will be used against you by a narcissist who hopes to keep you catering to them in the long-term while you withstand enormous amounts of pain.