Dating "Nice Guy" Narcissists - 3 Red Flags
The three major red flags you need to watch out for.
Good and kind men do exist, but the fake “nice guy” narcissist isn’t one of them. Learn the 3 major red flags you’re dating a fake “nice guy” narcissist.
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“Perhaps the most dangerous type of narcissistic man is the one who doesn’t wear all his red flags on his sleeve. This type of manipulator is a covert wolf in sheep’s clothing. While narcissists can be male or female, the way the “nice guy” narcissist weaponizes certain social and cultural norms to fall under the radar and victimize others must be explored. Research indicates that heterosexual narcissistic men lash out with the most hostility and antagonism toward heterosexual women above all other groups. It’s important to take into account the different ways this hostility can be expressed. Here are three major red flags you should look out for if you suspect you’re dating a narcissist who uses the persona of being a “nice guy” to win public support and gaslight others.”